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Autographs: actors N - O | | N.B. Items are not shown to scale with each other, and measurements are approximate All prices are in GB Pounds | | Go to Make a purchase to buy any of these items, and for terms and conditions Go to Autographs A-G, Autographs H-Q, Autographs R-Z for full list of items |
Anna Neagle - 1907-1989, British actress; important star of stage (Stand Up and Sing, Charlie Girl) and screen (Odette, Sixty Glorious Years) - 4 x 6 inches (10 x 15 cm) autographed photo, signed: "Best wishes, Anna Neagle". £15 | | 
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Anna Neagle - 1907-1989, British actress; important star of stage (Stand Up and Sing, Charlie Girl) and screen (Odette, Sixty Glorious Years) - 3.75 x 5.5 inches (9.5 x 14 cm) autographed photo, signed: "Best wishes, Anna Neagle". £15 [ref: AN2] | | 
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Bernard Nedell - 1898-1972, American movie actor (Fast and Furious, Oh Boy!, The Man from Chicago) - 3.5 x 5.5 inches (9 x 14 cm) autographed photo, signed: "Sincerely, Bernard Nedell". Condition: slight crease top-right corner. £10
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John Neville - born 1925, British-born, later Canadian, actor; at the Old Vic he played Othello and Iago alternating each role whilst Richard Burton played the other opposite him. Also TV and film career: (The Adventures of Baron Munchhausen, The Road to Wellville, The X-Files) - 3.5 x 5.5 inches (9 x 14 cm) autographed photo. condition: fragments of paper on reverse where item has been stuck into album. £25 [ref: JN1] | | 
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above: detail of autograph | John Neville - born 1925, British-born, later Canadian, actor; at the Old Vic he played Iago and Othello alternating each role whilst Richard Burton played the other opposite him. Also TV and film career (The Adventures of Baron Munchausen, The Road to Wellville, The X-Files) - 6.5 x 8.5 inches (17 x 21 cm) large autographed photo, signed: "To Peter from John Neville". £22 [ref: JN2] | | | | | |
Derek Nimmo - 1930-1999, British actor of stage TV and radio, best remembered for his clerical roles (All Gas and Gaiters, Oh Brother!) - 3.5 x 5.5 inches (9 x 14 cm) autographed photo, signed: "To Paul, Derek Nimmo". £12 | | 
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Kate O'Mara - 1939-2014, British actress; she was a familiar face on UK television in the 1960s and 70s playing roles as beautiful villains in Z-Cars, The Persuaders, The Saint, Danger Man and Doctor Who, and had a starring role in the ill-fated BBC soap opera Triangle; but she gained international fame for playing Alexis Colby in Dynasty and Lara Wilde in Howards Way. Her true love was the theatre, and she played a vast number of roles; she was very versatile and starred in musicals most notably playing Lilli Vanessi in the Royal Shakespeare Company's Kiss Me Kate - 3.5 x 5.5 inches (9 x 14 cm) autographed photo. £20 | | 
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above: detail of autograph | Zelma O'Neal - 1903-1989, American singer, dancer and comedienne; a huge star on Broadway in musicals, and also starred in Hollywood movies (Follow Thru, Mister Cinders, Give Her a Ring) - 6 x 8 inches (15 x 20.5 cm) autographed photo [dimensions include white border] signed: "Love, Zelma O'Neal". Condition: minor remains of photo-mount top right corner. £15 | | | | | |
Maureen O'Sullivan - 1911-1998, Irish actress, often regarded as Ireland's first major Hollywood movie star, playing Jane in six Tarzan films, plus major roles in The Third Man, Anna Karenina and Pride and Prejudice - 3.5 x 5.5 inches (9 x 14 cm) autographed photo. £18 | | 
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| Laurence Olivier - 1907-1989, British stage and screen actor: his three Shakespeare films, Henry V, Hamlet and Richard III, are among the most highly-regarded British films, and he appeared in over fifty other films including Wuthering Heights, Rebecca, Long Day's Journey into Night, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and The Battle of Britain. On stage he played more than 120 roles, most notably Romeo, Hamlet, Richrd III and Macbeth, and in 1963 he co-founded the National Theatre Company. The actor Spencer Tracy famously described him as "The greatest actor in the English-speaking world" - 10 x 8 inches (26 x 20 cm) large autographed publicity photo from Richard III. £70 [ref: LO1] | |

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Laurence Olivier - 1907-1989, British stage and screen actor; his three Shakespeare films, Henry V, Hamlet and Richard III, are among the most highly-regarded British films of all time, and he appeared in over fifty other films including Wuthering Heights, Rebecca, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Long Day's Journey into Night and The Battle of Britain. On stage he played more than 120 roles, including Hamlet, Richard III, Macbeth and Romeo, and he co-founded the National Theatre Company in 1963. Spencer Tracy famous described him as "the greatest actor in the English-speaking world - 4.5 x 6 inches (11.5 x 15 cm) autographed photo. £50 [ref: LO2] | |

| Laurence Olivier - 1907-1989, supreme British stage and screen actor; his three Shakespeare films, Henry V, Hamlet and Richard III, are among the most highly-regarded British films of all time, and he appeared in over fifty other films including Wuthering Heights, Long Day's Journey into Night, Rebecca, The Battle of Britain and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. On stage he played over 120 roles, including Romeo, Hamlet , Macbeth and Richard III, and in 1963 he co-founded the National Theatre Company - 10 x 8 inches (25.5 x 20 cm) large autographed publicity photo showing him with Mitsuharu Ishii. £65 [ref: LO4] | |
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